A Fond Farewell

Racer Home Page

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About Racer

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Info for Indie Artists and Labels

Welcome to Racer Records!

Racer Records is an independent record company. We only put out music we truly love. Much of the music could be described as intelligent rock, but the styles include folk rock, experimental pop, and even some freeform jazz.

Racer was closed in late 2003. We wish it a fond farewell. We're leaving the site up indefinitely as a tribute and a resource.

What You'll Find Here

We've got a lot of stuff here for you, and there's more on the way.

We have tons of sound and image files. Other files of particular interest include the standard Racer contract, with commentary, Racer's demo policy, and Racer's vision for the future of the music industry.

We maintain a very low-volume mailing list, which delivers updates about Racer artists and releases (including show dates and other timely news) right to your e-mail mailbox. We hope you'll subscribe!

Ears Open

We're very interested in feedback. To tell us what you think and what you'd like to see added, please send e-mail to head Racerhead Kristi Wachter

This page was last updated on March 4, 2018 by Kristi Wachter.