A Fond Farewell

Racer Home Page

Racer Artists

Racer Releases

Buying Racer Releases




About Racer

Contacting Us

Info for Indie Artists and Labels

Contacting Racer Records

Racer Records can be reached using the following combinations of letters and numbers:

Electronic Addresses

  • Internet: racer@racerrecords.com
  • CompuServe: 74774,71 (or GO RACER to visit the Racer section of the Recording Industry Forum)
  • America Online: RacerSnake (this address doesn't get checked very often)

Telephone Numbers

  • 1-415-931-1614
  • (The toll-free number, 1-800-5-RACER-5, has been disconnected.)

US Mail

Racer Records
2443 Fillmore St., #202
San Francisco, CA 94115

Contacting Racer Artists

Several Racer Records artists are online. Here's where to reach them:
Emily Bezar of the Potato Eaters
email: emwomp@aol.com
Eddie Cleland of Big Umbrella
email: cleland@sprynet.com
Ben Guy of the Potato Eaters
email: mrguybob@aol.com
Dug Moldawsky of Garden Variety
email: dug@pacopost.com
Amy X Neuburg
email: amyx@isproductions.com
Robbie Rist of Wonderboy
email: trash24713@aol.com
Gino Robair of Splatter Trio and The Potato Eaters
email: GinoRobair@aol.com
Kristi Wachter, Head Racerhead
email: racer@racerrecords.com
WWW home page: http://www.racerrecords.com/Kristi.html

This page was last updated on March 3, 2004 by Kristi Wachter.